Seattle, Washington


Stuart Bell

Born in Memphis, Tennessee, Stuart Bell grew up in Springdale, Arkansas. His conversion and call to ministry occurred during his high school years. 

Further education includes: Bachelor of Science in Business Administration, John Brown University (1983); Master of Religious Education, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary (1987); Doctor of Ministry in Expository Preaching, Southern Baptist Theological Seminary (2016). 

Stuart and Lisa have shared life, marriage, and ministry since 1983, serving churches in Texas, Oklahoma, and Arkansas, before moving to the Pacific Northwest. Also, they have enjoyed international ministry in Eastern Europe, India, Greece, and Cuba. They have two children: Emily, with husband Matt, and grandsons Samuel and Calvin, living in East Asia; and Lucas, with wife Kyla, living in Kansas City, Missouri.


City Center Baptist Church

In October 2016, Stuart and Lisa Bell were sent by multiple churches, and the North American Mission Board, to Seattle. They came with a clear vision: “a New Testament church planted in downtown Seattle, rooted in the Word, and filled with people whose lives are being transformed by the gospel.” Soon, others joined the labor of prayer, witness of the gospel, and worship of our Lord Jesus.

By God’s grace, fourteen believers covenanted together to become City Center Baptist Church on December 2, 2018. As we go, authentic friendships give opportunities to proclaim the good news of Jesus death and resurrection.

Ramnicu Valcea, Romania


Brother Cristi

I am Constantin Ciuculescu, but people know me as Cristi. I was born in an orthodox family, but in 1992, at the age of 13, God changed my heart. The local pastor asked me, after I got baptised, to have 5 minutes before the church. Since that moment, I don't remember a week in which I was not preaching. God called me to became a pastor though I wanted to study music. So, in 2002 I started pastoral theology at the Emanuel University of Oradea. I graduated in 2006 and in 2007 I married my beautiful wife Irina. Together we have Miriam and Lisa and they are a tremendous blessing to us.

In 2007 along with Harrod family (from Hermitage, Arkansas,) we planted a church. The first two years were so hard. Nobody came to church. Still, we continued to serve faithfully and God blessed our dedication. We are so blessed to serve in the least evangelised place of Romania. I love and I am very focused in what I am doing. All glory to God!


The Good Shepherd Church



Phillip Chia

Philip Suciadi Chia received his D.Th from Evangelical Theological Seminary of Indonesia (ETSI) and Ph.D from the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. Currently, he serves at ETSI as a Director of Doctoral Studies, an adjunct professor of Reformed Theological Seminary of Indonesia, and an associate pastor at the Bible Church of Indonesia. His passion is to reveal the beauty of the Scripture to people. This passion is channeled through his articles, books, teaching, and preaching. He also loves to invite westerners to visit Indonesia both to share the Gospel to unbelievers and to equip their fellow believers.